Media Create - Ranking de vendas entre os 15 e 21 de Janeiro 1
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Media Create – Ranking de vendas entre os 15 e 21 de Janeiro


Foi liberado o resultado do Media Create referente a semana dos dias 15 ao 21 de janeiro no Japão. Segue a lista abaixo.


Nintendo Switch – 43,027
PlayStation 4 – 37,572
PlayStation 4 Pro – 14,935
New Nintendo 2DS LL – 7,302
PlayStation Vita – 4,256
New Nintendo 3DS LL – 3,563
Xbox One X – 1,285
Nintendo 2DS – 1,250
Xbox One – 103


1. [NSW] Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle – 66,692 / NEW
2. [PS4] Gintama Rumble – 38,443 / NEW
3. [NSW] Splatoon 2 – 28,691 / 1,946,033
4. [NSW] Mario Kart 8 Deluxe – 26,365 / 1,264,800
5. [PSV] Gintama Rumble – 23,417 / NEW
6. [PS4] Dissidia Final Fantasy NT – 20,433 / 126,100
7. [NSW] Super Mario Odyssey – 18,972 / 1,555,312
8. [3DS] Pokémon Ultra Sun/ Pokémon Ultra Moon – 16,790 / 1,515,299
9. [3DS] Mario Party: The Top 100 – 11,454 / 135,773
10. [NSW] The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild – 9,502 / 824,728
11. [3DS] Yo-kai Watch Busters 2 – 9,262 / 483,098
12. [PS4] Street Fighter V Arcade Edition – 7,908 / NEW
13. [PS4] Earth Defense Force 5 – 6,472 / 218,602
14. [PS4] Call of Duty: WWII – 5,890 / 375,084
15. [NSW] ARMS – 4,951 / 351,631
16. [NSW] 1-2 Switch – 4,401 / 382,320
17. [NSW] Pokken Tournament DX – 4,311 / 209,965
18. [3DS] Animal Crossing: New Leaf – Welcome amiibo – 3,405 / 365,914
19. [PS4] Valkyria Chronicles Remastered (New Price Edition) – 3,346 / NEW
20. [NSW] Xenoblade Chronicles 2 – 3,081 / 175,757

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